Ms. Dumitrascu

May 14th, 2013

Dear Ms. Dumitrascu,

thanks for contacting us again concerning the therapy of your granddaughter Stefania, born on August 23rd, 2009 with esophageal atresia. In Febr 2010 we had realized direct anastomosis of the esophagus and the child went home at March 23rd, 2010. Meanwhile the child had developed a stricture at the anastomosis and has severe gastroesophageal reflux. She is fed only by fluids or mashed food.

We accept to care for the further therapy of the girl. We think that we will need laparotomy and antireflux surgery first, and some days later thoracotomy, resection of the esophageal stricture and new anastomosis. This treatment will take place at the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Municipal Hospital of Karlsruhe/Germany. The date of arrival should be Friday, June 28th. The duration of stay should be calculated for 6 weeks for both operations, control of passage and of wound healing and swallowing training.

The costs are calculated with 22000 € for a operative treatment with standard clinical course including intensive care and ventilation for not more than 72 hrs. 
Prof. Dr. Peter P. Schmittenbecher
Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery
Prof. Dr. Peter P. Schmittenbecher
Kinderchirurgische Klinik, Klinikum Karlsruhe
Moltkestr. 90, 76133 Karlsruhe
Tel. 0721-974 3101; Fax 0721-974 3109
Traducerea in Romana.
May 14th, 2013

Dear Ms. Dumitrascu,

Multumesc ca ne-ati contactat iarasi legat de terapia nepoatei dumneavoastra, Stefania, nascuta la, cu atrezie de esofag. In februarie 2010 am efectuat o anastomoza directa a esofagului si copilul a mers acasa in martie 23, 2010. Intre timp copilul a dezvoltat o contractare a anastomozei si are un reflux gastroesofagial sever. Este hranita doar prin lichide sau mancare pasata
Noi acceptam sa ne ocupam si mai departe de terapia fetei. Consideram ca vom avea nevoie de laparotomie si operatie antireflux pentru inceput, apoi cateva zile mai tarziu sa facem toracotomie, o rezectie a constrangerii/contractarii esofagiale si o noua anastomoza. Aceste interventii (acest tratament) vor avea loc la Departamentul de Chirurgie pediatrica, Spitalul Municipal Karlsruhe/Germania. Data de internare ar trebui sa fie vinery, 28 iunie. Durata de sedere ar trebui calculate la 6 saptamani atat pentru operatii, control de trecere, vindecarea ranilor si exersarea inghititului.
 Costurile sunt calculate la 22.000 € pentru tratament operativ cu un curs clinic standard, inclusiv terapie intensive si ventilare pentru maxim 72 de ore.
Prof. Dr. Peter P. Schmittenbecher
Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery
Prof. Dr. Peter P. Schmittenbecher
Kinderchirurgische Klinik, Klinikum Karlsruhe
Moltkestr. 90, 76133 Karlsruhe
Tel. 0721-974 3101; Fax 0721-974 3109